Wondering if you have what it takes to be a great debate coach?

Good news: Great debate coaches are made, not born - come start your coaching journey with us this fall!

BDL’s free workshop series is intended for high school teachers in NYC interested in learning more this whole Speech & Debate thing. No prior experience in Speech & Debate is required.

You will join a group of committed educators interested in exploring the basics of Speech & Debate. At the same time, you will learn how to use elements of Speech & Debate to build engaging approaches that build students’ ability to construct logical arguments and develop their critical reasoning. Come join us and develop the skills to help your students become better debaters, citizens and community members!

Our Fall 2023 cohort will meet online on the following Tuesday evenings from 6-7:30pm:

10/10, 11/7, 12/12 and 1/9.

We promise to deliver a set of engaging sessions that are useful to teachers. In return, we expect that each participant will attend each of the sessions prepared to actively engage with their peers on Zoom.

BDL’s teacher workshop series is taught by DiCo, the founder and Executive Director of Brooklyn Debate League.

DiCo spent 15 years coaching in NYC schools before running BDL full-time. DiCo’s awards include: being named a Master Teacher by Achievement First, being awarded Teach For America’s Alumni Award for Excellence in Teaching, and being given the National Speech & Debate Association’s Brother Sterner Award for Lifetime Service.

DiCo’s Speech & Debate alumni boast many accomplishments including winning Harvard, Columbia, UPenn, Villiger and the New York State Championship.

Limited spots available!

Sign up here: