Naked Money
Chapters 2 and 3
Chapters 2 and 3
Pressed for time this week ? Focus on:
Ch.2 pp20-23, 33-36
Ch. 3 pp 40-46, 53-59
Writing Prompt
“Inflation or deflation, tell me if you can: Will we become Zimbabwe or will we be Japan?” Write a pargraph explaining what’s going on in these lyrics from this (hilarious) country song.
Explain the poker game metaphor that Wheelan uses to describe inflation and deflation on pages 22-23
Practice Speeches (with an article linked to jump start your prep)
Is Zimbabwe on the right track for a post-pandemic strong economy? (try to reference content from p20)
Will Maduro hold onto power in Venezuela? (try to reference content from p25)
Will the positive effects of Abenomics outlast the pandemic for Japan’s economy? (try to reference content from pp34, 53)
Pick any US economics question you want and tell the story about Dan Dugan on pp40-41 as your hook.